Saturday, January 19, 2008

Art Gawker

It's often worthwhile to check out the Times of London's "Book Extracts" page, but you sometimes have to skip the UK books you'll never see from people you've never heard of. And yet...

Read if you will this excerpt from the book Bit of a Blur by Alex James, and you will find this: "The roof terrace was a battle scene. ...I felt much better, drank some vodka and took all my clothes off. That was when Damien threw the watermelon. ...It sailed clean over the parapet." The Damien in question is Damien Hirst, the artist/scandalmonger/shark embalmer. The melon in question fell 50 floors; the police were called. It's fun stuff.

So you can read some very lowbrow gossip on a highbrow website. How great is that?--David E

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