Tuesday, July 22, 2008

iNight of the Guns

Simon & Schuster, publisher of David Carr's memoir Night of the Gun, has gone all out in putting together a promotional website (www.nightofthegun.com) for the book. The book draws on Carr's skills as a reporter (including a stint as editor of the now-defunct Twin Cities Reader) to document his own descent into addiction and his eventual recovery. The website has all the police reports and video interviews you could hope to find on any episode of Cops. You can access them randomly or flip through them like the songs on a tricked-out iPod.

Or if you don't have the bandwidth, you can always hear Carr's story the oldfashioned way: He'll be in our store to discuss Night of the Gun on Thursday, August 14, at 7:30pm. Come in and get the whole story. Check out our events page for all the details.--David E

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