Thursday, November 13, 2008

Drying Out

Once Upon A Crime Mystery Bookstore is stepping forward to help the flood-ravaged Cedar Rapids Public Library. The library was inundated last June, and while FEMA will fund a new building, they will not cover the books themselves.

From Publishers Weekly: "[Cedar Rapids bookstore] Mystery Cat and Once Upon a Crime are soliciting collectible books, manuscripts, and DVDs for sale on eBay, as well as books suitable for library sales. All funds raised will be used to purchase new books for the Cedar Rapids library. ...Books may also be dropped off Mondays through Saturdays, 11 am-5 pm, at Once Upon a Crime, 604 W. 26th St. Minneapolis, or they may be mailed directly to the Cedar Rapids Public Library’s temporary storefront space at Westdale Mall, 2600 Edgewood Rd., S.W., Cedar Rapids, IA 53404."--David E

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