Saturday, September 29, 2007

Choose to Reuse

Magers and Quinn is pleased to again participate in Hennepin County's annual Choose to Reuse program. County residents generate almost 7 pounds of waste per person per day. Recycling alone isn't enough; we need to prevent waste. Used books--and you do know we're the biggest used bookstore in the Twin Cities, in addition to all our snazzy new books, right?--are not only economical; they're also environmental.

Stop in the store and pick up the Choose to Reuse booklet with coupons for 80 local retailers who are making it easy to prevent waste. Look for the M&Q coupon and you can even save a little money. Or for more information, Choose to Reuse website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The link above takes you to the Choose To Reuse Directory. To link to the Choose To Reuse Month page, go to: and search "Choose To Reuse Month".