Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It's Hip to Be Pretty

Ever on the cutting edge, the New York Times "Styles" section has discovered that there are librarians under the age of fifty. And, this being the "Styles" section, these newly-found booksters are fresh and trendy, in their "thrift-store inspired clothes and abundant tattoos."

Of course, anyone who's ventured into the blogosphere has already encountered plenty of lively librarians; my favorite is Your Neighborhood Librarian.

And while we're objectifying the bookish, I'll point you towards the winner of's "Hot" Straight Men Of Book Publishing" contest. Enjoy.--David E

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the kind words, bookseller from the Land of My People (1st time I visited, I walked my 6' blond self through town and felt I was among members of my own species for the first time. Little tear!).

Don't miss Fuse #8's Hot Men of Children's Literature. She doesn't guarantee straightness, but after all, who cares?